
Wednesday, 9 October 2013

This day in #History

This day in #History
October 10

680 - Al-Hussein and his followers killed at Karbala
by army of Yazid , the Umayyad caliph, on the way to

1375 - Westfriese sea wall breaks flooding northern

1549 - Duke of Somerset fired as Lord Protector &

1631 - Saxon army occupies Prague

1695 - King Willem III escapes South Netherlands
back to England

1720 - French government proclaims strike on

1802 - 1 st non - Indian settlement in Oklahoma

1839 - British troops under Gen Charles Napier
occupy Beirut

1845 - Naval School ( now called US Naval Academy ) opens at Annapolis

1846 - Alexis de Tocqueville writes about "Algerian problem"

1846 - Neptune' s moon Triton discovered by William Lassell

1868 - Cuba revolts for independence against Spain

1874 - Fiji becomes a British possession

1911 - Sun Yat- sen 's revolutionaries overthrow
Manchus ( Taiwan Natl Day )

1913 - Yuan Shikai installed as 1st president of

1914 - German forces route Belgians in Antwerp
Belgium (WW I )

1932 - Dnjepr Dam in USSR put into operation
(world 's biggest )

1933 - 1 st synthetic detergent , " Dreft" by Procter & Gamble, goes on sale

1935 - League of Nations denounces Italian invasion of Abyssinia

1938 - Germany completed annexation of
Czechoslovakia' s Sudetenland

1943 - Chiang Kai -shek takes oath of office as
president of China

1970 - Fiji gains independence from Britain (National Day )

1975 - Israel formally signs Sinai accord with Egypt

1978 - Daniel Arap Moi succeeds Kenyatta as
president of Kenya

1982 - Hernan Siles Zuazo installed as president of Bolivia

1985 - Sudan adopts interim constitution

2012-  Robert Lefkowitz and Brian Kobilka win the 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for work on G protein -coupled receptors


1936 - Gerhard Ertl, German surface chemist Nobel laureate, 2007 .

1941 - Kenule Beeson Saro- Wiwa, writer /

2005 - Milton Obote , President of Uganda (b . 1925 )


413 BC - Nicias, Athens politician (Peace of Nicias),
killed at about 57

19 - Julius Caesar Germanicus , Roman commandant
of Rijnleger, dies at 33

680 - 10 Muharram 61 AH - Hussein ibn Ali (AS) ,
Shi'a Imam , Muhammad 's grandson (b . 626 )

732 - Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi, Moorish Governor of

833 - al -Ma 'mun, Abbasid caliph of Baghdad (b .
786 )

1359 - King Hugh IV of Cyprus ( b. 1295 )

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