
Tuesday, 15 October 2013

This day in #History

This day in #History
October 16th

456 - Magister militum Ricimer defeats the Emperor Avitus at Piacenza and becomes master of the western Roman Empire.

1311 - Council of Vienne ( 15th ecumenical council ) opens

1384 - Jadwiga is crowned King of Poland , although a woman.

1780 - Royalton , Vermont and Tunbridge, Vermont
last major raid of the American Revolutionary War .
1781 - Washington takes Yorktown

1793 - Battle of Wattignies.

1813 - Battle at Leipzig (Napoleon vs Prussia,
Austria & Russia )

1829 - Tremont Hotel, 1st US modern hotel opens
(Boston )

1834 - Much of the ancient structures of the Palace of Westminster ( parliament) in London is burnt down.

1841 - Queens University in Kingston is chartered

1843 - Sir William Rowan Hamilton comes up with
the idea of quaternions , a non -commutative
extension of complex numbers .

1846 - Dentist William T Morton demonstrates effectiveness of ether

1848 - 1 st US homeopathic medical college opens in Pennsylvania

1849 - Avery College establishes in Allegheny,

1849 - British seize Tigre Island in Gulf of Fonseca from Honduras

1875 - Brigham Young University is founded in
Provo , Utah.

1876 - Race riot at Cainhoy SC ( 5 whites & 1 black killed)

1882 - The Nickel Plate Railroad opens for business .

1905 - The Partition of Bengal ( India) occurred.

1915 - Great Britain declares war on Bulgaria

1916 - Margaret Sanger opens 1 st
birth control clinic ( 46 Amboy St, Bkln)

1916 - T E Lawrence (of Arabia) meets with Fasal Hoessein

1923 - Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio founded

1923 - John Harwood patents self -winding watch
(Switzerland )

1925 - Peace accord of Locarno signed (Rhine Pact)

1925 - Texas School Board prohibits teaching of

1926 - Mohammed Nadir Khan begins coup in
Afghanistan, 1200 killed

1934 - Mao Tse -tung & 25,000 troops begin 6,000 mile Long March

1939 - Sugar rationing begins in Netherlands

1953 - FidelCastrosentenced to15 years (Havana )

1962 - Cuban missile crisis began as JFK becomes aware of missiles in Cuba

1964 - China becomes world 's 5 th nuclear power

1973 - Kissinger & Le Duc Tho jointly awarded Nobel peace prize

1973 - Maynard Jackson elected 1 st black mayor of Atlanta

1978 - Nobel prize for economy awarded to Herbert A Simon

1985 - Nobel prize for chemistry awarded to Herbert Hauptman & Jerome Karle

1987 - Mike Tyson TKOs Tyrell Biggs in 7 for heavyweightboxing title

1989 - Bikenibau Paeniu installed as premier of

1993 - GeneralOmar al -Bashirappointed Sudan president


1758 - Noah Webster , West
Hartford,Connecticut ,lexicographer (Webster's Dictionary) , ( d.1843)

1855 -Camille Looten,Belgianpriest/
literaturehistorian 1855 - Samedbey Mehmandarov, Russian general ( d . 1931 )

1861 - J . B. Bury, Irish historian (d . 1927)

1863 - Austen Chamberlain, British Foreign Secretary
(Nobel 1925 )

1886 - David Ben - Gurion, Plonsk Poland , 1st Prime Minister of Israel ( 1948- 53, 55 )

1888 - Eugene O' Neill, NYC, dramatist
(Desire Under the Elms-Nobel 1936)

1937 - Tom Monaghan, founder of Dominos pizza


775 - Mansur, kalief of Abbasiden , dies

1355 - Louis , King of Sicily , felled by the Black Death

1793 - Marie Antoinette,queen of France, beheaded at 37

1849 - George Washington Williams, 1 st major black historian, dies

1893 - Patrice MacMahon , duc de Magenta,
President of France (b . 1808

1951 - Liaquat Ali Khan , PM of Pakistan ( 1947- 51), assassinated by Said Akbar

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