
Sunday, 20 October 2013

Mubarak trial resumes behind doors

Mubarak trial resumes behind doors

Saturday, 19 October 2013

This day in #History 201013

This day in #History
October 20th

1603 - Chinese uprising in Philippines fails after 23,000 killed

1634 - English King Charles I disbands new "Ship Money" tax

1714 - Georg Ludwig von Hannover crowned as English King George I

1740 - Maria Theresa became ruler of Austria, Hungary & Bohemia

1751 - Royal ship Duc de Bourgogne launched at Rochefort

1774 - Continental Congress orders discouragment of entertainment

1781 - Patent of Toleration, providing limited freedom of worship , was approved in Habsburg Monarchy .

1786 - Harvard University organizes 1 st
astronomical expedition in US

1803 - US Senate ratifies Louisiana Purchase

1813 - German Kingdom of Westphalia abolished

1817 - 1 st Mississippi "Showboat, " leaves Nashville
on maiden voyage

1818 - 49 th parallel forms as border between US &

1818 - US & Britain agree to joint control of Oregon

1820 - Spain sells part of Florida to US for $ 5 million

1822 - 1 st edition of London Sunday Times

1864 - US President Lincoln formally establishes
Thanksgiving as a national holiday

1880 - Amsterdam Free University opens

1883 - Treaty of Ancon, Peru cedes Tarapaca to

1903 - US wins disputed boundary between District
of Alaska & Canada

1905 - Great General Strike in Russia begins ; lasts
11 days

1905 - Russian Tsar allows Polish people to speak

1906 - Dr Lee DeForest demonstrated his electrical
vacuum tube ( radio tube)

1908 - King Leopold II sells Congo to Belgium

1935 - Mao Tse Tung & his Communist forces ended
their "Long March" at Yan' an, in Shaanxi China

1936 - Spanish government moves to Barcelona

1952 - Emergency crisis proclaimed in Kenya

1963 -  South Africa begins trial of Nelson Mandela & 8  others on conspiracy

1970 - American Norman Borlaug awarded the
Nobel Peace Prize

1970 - Zond 8 Launch ( Moon Orbit & Return)

1971 - West German Chancellor Willy Brandt is
awarded Nobel Peace Prize

1979 - JohnF Kennedy Library dedicated in Boston

2011 - The former leader of Libya, Muammar
Gaddafi , and his son Moatassem Gaddafi are killed
shortly after the battle of Sirte (2011 ) while in the
custody of NTC fighters


1891 - James Chadwick, English physicist
(discovered neutron)

1891 - Jomo Kenyatta, Gatundu Kenya, Kenyan leader and 1st Premier (1963 -78)

1971 - Snoop Dogg [Calvin Broadus], Long Beach , California, rapper


1871 - Charles Babbage, English mathematician/inventor (calculator ) , dies at 78

1876 - Jeronimo de Bosch Kemper , Dutch
sociologist/historian , dies at 68

1890 - Sir Richard Burton, British explorer and writer
(b . 1821 )

1964 - Herbert Hoover , 31st president of US
(1929 -33) , dies in NY at 90

1984 - Carl Ferdinand Cori, Austrian -born
biochemist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology
or Medicine (b . 1896 )

1984 - Paul Dirac, English physicist, Nobel Prize
laureate, dies at 82

1986 - Samora Machel , president of Mozambique,
dies in air crash at 53

2011 - Muammar Gaddafi , Ruler of Libya ( b. 1942 )

2011 - Moatassem Gaddafi , Son of Moammar
Gaddafi and National Security Adviser of Libya ( b.

This day in #History 191013

This day in #History
October 19th

202 BC - Battle of Zama: Hannibal Barca, leader of the invading Carthaginian army, defeated by Roman legions under Scipio Africanus.

439 - The Vandals, led by King Gaiseric, take Carthage in North Africa.

1453 - 2nd Battle at Castillon: French beats English, end of hundred year war

1466 - The Thirteen Years' War ends with the Second Peace of Thorn, Germany

1492 - Columbus sites "Isabela" (Fortune Island, Bahamas)

1512 - Martin Luther becomes a doctor of theology (Doctor in Biblia).

1576 - Dutch provinces begin consultation about Spanish existence

1722 - Frenchman C Hopffer patents fire extinguisher

1781 - British General Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown at 2 pm; Revolutionary War ends

1812 - Napoleon begins his retreat from Moscow

1822 - In Parnaíba; Simplício Dias da Silva, João Cândido de Deus e Silva and Domingos Dias declare the independent state of Piauí.

1853 - 1st flour mill in Hawaii begins operations

1872 - World's largest gold nugget (215 kg) found in New South Wales

1879 - Afghan's emir Mohammed Yakub forced to resign

1879 - Thomas Edison demonstrates electric light

1901 - Santos-Dumont proves airship maneuverable by circling Eiffel Tower

1912 - Tripoli (Libya) passes from Turkish to Italian control

1915 - Russia/Italy declares war on Bulgaria

1925 - Italian army takes Somalia
1926 - John C Garand patents semi-automatic rifle

1926 - Russian Politburo throws out Leo Trotsky & followers

1960 - France grants Mauritania independence

1960 - Martin Luther King Jr arrested in Atlanta sit-in

1960 - US imposes embargo on exports to Cuba

1962 - Stalin monument removed in Prague

1974 - Niue becomes self - govering, in association
with New Zealand

1976 - Battle of Aishiya in Lebanon . The same day ,
the Chimpanzee (Pan Troglodytes) is placed on the
List of Endangered Species .

1981 - Nicolaas Bloembergen & Arthur Schawlow win
Nobel for physics (laser)

1983 - Senate establishes Martin Luther King Jr federal holiday

1988 - 3 Americans win Nobel in physics ; 3 W
Germans win chemistry Nobel

2005 - Saddam Hussein goes on trial in Baghdad for
crimes against humanity .


1868 - Bertha Landes, 1st woman elected mayor of a major US city (Seattle)

1899 - Miguel Asturias, Guatemala, poet/diplomat (Hombres de Maiz, Nobel 67), (d. 1974)

1910 - Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, India, astrophysicist (Nobel 1983)

1962 - Evander Holyfield, Atmore Ala , boxer (Oly - bronze-1988 )/ champ (1990 -92)

1967 - Amy Carter, Pres Carter's daughter/ peace


1937 - Ernest Rutherford, New Zealand physicist (Nobel 1908), dies at 66

1993 - Roy Armstrong, English historian (Traditional buildings), dies at 91

1994 - Munavarsjo Nazrijev, vice-president of Tadzjikistan, dies

1994 - Oldrich Cernik, Czechoslovakia premier (1968-70), dies at 72

2003 - Alija Izetbegović, President of Bosnia-Herzegovina (b. 1925)

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

This day in #History

This day in #History
October 16th

456 - Magister militum Ricimer defeats the Emperor Avitus at Piacenza and becomes master of the western Roman Empire.

1311 - Council of Vienne ( 15th ecumenical council ) opens

1384 - Jadwiga is crowned King of Poland , although a woman.

1780 - Royalton , Vermont and Tunbridge, Vermont
last major raid of the American Revolutionary War .
1781 - Washington takes Yorktown

1793 - Battle of Wattignies.

1813 - Battle at Leipzig (Napoleon vs Prussia,
Austria & Russia )

1829 - Tremont Hotel, 1st US modern hotel opens
(Boston )

1834 - Much of the ancient structures of the Palace of Westminster ( parliament) in London is burnt down.

1841 - Queens University in Kingston is chartered

1843 - Sir William Rowan Hamilton comes up with
the idea of quaternions , a non -commutative
extension of complex numbers .

1846 - Dentist William T Morton demonstrates effectiveness of ether

1848 - 1 st US homeopathic medical college opens in Pennsylvania

1849 - Avery College establishes in Allegheny,

1849 - British seize Tigre Island in Gulf of Fonseca from Honduras

1875 - Brigham Young University is founded in
Provo , Utah.

1876 - Race riot at Cainhoy SC ( 5 whites & 1 black killed)

1882 - The Nickel Plate Railroad opens for business .

1905 - The Partition of Bengal ( India) occurred.

1915 - Great Britain declares war on Bulgaria

1916 - Margaret Sanger opens 1 st
birth control clinic ( 46 Amboy St, Bkln)

1916 - T E Lawrence (of Arabia) meets with Fasal Hoessein

1923 - Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio founded

1923 - John Harwood patents self -winding watch
(Switzerland )

1925 - Peace accord of Locarno signed (Rhine Pact)

1925 - Texas School Board prohibits teaching of

1926 - Mohammed Nadir Khan begins coup in
Afghanistan, 1200 killed

1934 - Mao Tse -tung & 25,000 troops begin 6,000 mile Long March

1939 - Sugar rationing begins in Netherlands

1953 - FidelCastrosentenced to15 years (Havana )

1962 - Cuban missile crisis began as JFK becomes aware of missiles in Cuba

1964 - China becomes world 's 5 th nuclear power

1973 - Kissinger & Le Duc Tho jointly awarded Nobel peace prize

1973 - Maynard Jackson elected 1 st black mayor of Atlanta

1978 - Nobel prize for economy awarded to Herbert A Simon

1985 - Nobel prize for chemistry awarded to Herbert Hauptman & Jerome Karle

1987 - Mike Tyson TKOs Tyrell Biggs in 7 for heavyweightboxing title

1989 - Bikenibau Paeniu installed as premier of

1993 - GeneralOmar al -Bashirappointed Sudan president


1758 - Noah Webster , West
Hartford,Connecticut ,lexicographer (Webster's Dictionary) , ( d.1843)

1855 -Camille Looten,Belgianpriest/
literaturehistorian 1855 - Samedbey Mehmandarov, Russian general ( d . 1931 )

1861 - J . B. Bury, Irish historian (d . 1927)

1863 - Austen Chamberlain, British Foreign Secretary
(Nobel 1925 )

1886 - David Ben - Gurion, Plonsk Poland , 1st Prime Minister of Israel ( 1948- 53, 55 )

1888 - Eugene O' Neill, NYC, dramatist
(Desire Under the Elms-Nobel 1936)

1937 - Tom Monaghan, founder of Dominos pizza


775 - Mansur, kalief of Abbasiden , dies

1355 - Louis , King of Sicily , felled by the Black Death

1793 - Marie Antoinette,queen of France, beheaded at 37

1849 - George Washington Williams, 1 st major black historian, dies

1893 - Patrice MacMahon , duc de Magenta,
President of France (b . 1808

1951 - Liaquat Ali Khan , PM of Pakistan ( 1947- 51), assassinated by Said Akbar

Sunday, 13 October 2013

The Impact of Dropping Out, Teen Pregnancy, and Drugs on the Life of a Young Entrepreneur

The Impact of Dropping Out, Teen Pregnancy, and Drugs on the Life of a Young Entrepreneur | Steve Mariotti by

Friday, 11 October 2013

Social Business and the Pursuit of Happiness |

Social Business and the Pursuit of Happiness | Muhammad Yunus by

The Wisdom of Youth: What Washington Can Learn From Johannesburg

The Wisdom of Youth: What Washington Can Learn From Johannesburg | David Jones by

How Technology Keeps You From Being The Parent You Need To Be

How Technology Keeps You From Being The Parent You Need To Be

Thursday, 10 October 2013

This day in #History

This day in #History
October 11th

1687 - Hungary accepts Habsburgse sovereignty

1689 - Peter the Great becomes tsar of Russia

1811 - The Juliana , 1st steam-powered ferryboat,
begins operation

1852 - The University of Sydney , Australia 's oldest university, is inaugurated in Sydney.

1864 - Slavery abolished in Maryland

1864 - Campina Grande , Brazil was established as a city.

1868 - Thomas Edison patents his 1 st invention :
electric voice machine

1871 - Great Chicago Fire is finally extinguished
after 3 days , 300 killed

1881 - David Houston patents roll film for cameras

1887 - A Miles patents elevator

1890 - Daughters of American Revolution founded

1895 - Emperor Menelik II of Addis Ababa draws
against Italians

1899 - South African Boers declare war on Great

932 - Stalin forces Zinoviev & Kamenev out of
Communist Party

1936 - " Professor Quiz," 1 st radio quiz show

1939 - Albert Einstein informs FDR of possibilities of atomic bomb

1944 - Tuvinian People' s Republic or formerly Tannu Tuva was annexed by the U. S. S. R

1945 - Chinese civil war begins, Chiang Kai-Shek vs Mao Tse -Tung

1947 - Brazil & Chile break diplomatic relations with USSR

1958 - 2 nd US Moon probe , Pioneer 1 , reaches
113 ,810 km , falls back

1968 - Panama revolts

1971 - Switzerland recognizes North Vietnam

1972 - Panama adopts constitution

1976 - Mao Tse -Tung 's widow Jiang Qing & " Gang of Four," arrested & charged with plotting a coup

1978 - Aristides Royo elected president of Panama

1978 - Belgium government of Tindemans resigns

1979 - Allan McLeod Cormack & Godfrey Newbold Hounsfield win Nobel Prize for medicine for developing CAT scan

1990 - Center for Urban archaeology opens in NYC South Street Seaport Museum

1990 - Octavio Paz wins Nobel Prize for literature

2012 - Mo Yan, a hallucinatory realist writer , wins
the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature


1956 - Nicanor Duarte Frutos, President of Paraguay

1963 - Prince Faisal bin Al Hussein of Jordan


1779 - Casimir Pułaski , Polish born fighter for
American independence (b . 1745 ) dies in Battle of Savannah.

1850 - Louisa Maria , queen of Belgium ( 1832- 50)/ wife of Leopold I , dies at 38

1971 - Chesty Puller , the most decorated Marine in history ( b. 1898 )

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

This day in #History

This day in #History
October 10

680 - Al-Hussein and his followers killed at Karbala
by army of Yazid , the Umayyad caliph, on the way to

1375 - Westfriese sea wall breaks flooding northern

1549 - Duke of Somerset fired as Lord Protector &

1631 - Saxon army occupies Prague

1695 - King Willem III escapes South Netherlands
back to England

1720 - French government proclaims strike on

1802 - 1 st non - Indian settlement in Oklahoma

1839 - British troops under Gen Charles Napier
occupy Beirut

1845 - Naval School ( now called US Naval Academy ) opens at Annapolis

1846 - Alexis de Tocqueville writes about "Algerian problem"

1846 - Neptune' s moon Triton discovered by William Lassell

1868 - Cuba revolts for independence against Spain

1874 - Fiji becomes a British possession

1911 - Sun Yat- sen 's revolutionaries overthrow
Manchus ( Taiwan Natl Day )

1913 - Yuan Shikai installed as 1st president of

1914 - German forces route Belgians in Antwerp
Belgium (WW I )

1932 - Dnjepr Dam in USSR put into operation
(world 's biggest )

1933 - 1 st synthetic detergent , " Dreft" by Procter & Gamble, goes on sale

1935 - League of Nations denounces Italian invasion of Abyssinia

1938 - Germany completed annexation of
Czechoslovakia' s Sudetenland

1943 - Chiang Kai -shek takes oath of office as
president of China

1970 - Fiji gains independence from Britain (National Day )

1975 - Israel formally signs Sinai accord with Egypt

1978 - Daniel Arap Moi succeeds Kenyatta as
president of Kenya

1982 - Hernan Siles Zuazo installed as president of Bolivia

1985 - Sudan adopts interim constitution

2012-  Robert Lefkowitz and Brian Kobilka win the 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for work on G protein -coupled receptors


1936 - Gerhard Ertl, German surface chemist Nobel laureate, 2007 .

1941 - Kenule Beeson Saro- Wiwa, writer /

2005 - Milton Obote , President of Uganda (b . 1925 )


413 BC - Nicias, Athens politician (Peace of Nicias),
killed at about 57

19 - Julius Caesar Germanicus , Roman commandant
of Rijnleger, dies at 33

680 - 10 Muharram 61 AH - Hussein ibn Ali (AS) ,
Shi'a Imam , Muhammad 's grandson (b . 626 )

732 - Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi, Moorish Governor of

833 - al -Ma 'mun, Abbasid caliph of Baghdad (b .
786 )

1359 - King Hugh IV of Cyprus ( b. 1295 )

CNN'S Richard Quest in an interview with World Bank Jim Yong Kim

World Bank

'Fire falling like rain' from Syria's skies

'Fire falling like rain' from Syria's skies

Canadian Mogul Paul Desmarais Dead at 86

Canadian Mogul Paul Desmarais Dead at 86

Mexico's Congress Set to Dilute Tax

Mexico's Congress Set to Dilute Tax Plan

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U.N. Sued for Cholera Epidemic in Haiti

U.N. Sued for Haiti Cholera Epidemic

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Brazilians on Social Media at Fore of Free-Speech Battle

Musharraf Freed From Arrest

Musharraf Is Freed From Arrest

Worries over China's Ambition

Worries Over China's Ambitions Mark Southeast Asian Meeting

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

This day in #History

This day in #History
October 9th

680 - Husain ibn ' Ali, Shi 'i religious leader, enters martyrdom

768 - Charlemagne and his brother Carloman I are crowned Kings of The Franks.

869 - Charles the Bare crowned king of Lotharingen

1000 - Leif Ericson discovers " Vinland " ( possibly New England)

1003 - Leif Erikson lands in L 'Anse aux Meadows, Canada , becoming the first European to reach America.

1192 - Richard I of England, the Lion Heart , leaves Jerusalem in disguise

1238 - James I of Aragon conquers Valencia and
founds the Kingdom of Valencia .

1290 - Last of 16, 000 English Jews expelled by King Edward I, leaves

1446 - The Hangul alphabet is published in Korea .
1558 - Mérida is founded in Venezuela.

1573 - Don Frederik disbands siege of Alkmaar

1595 - The Spanish army captures Cambrai.

1597 - Earl Mauritius occupies Breevoort

1621 - Turkey & Poland signs Peace of Chotin

1740 - Neth gov -general Adriaen Valckenier allows murder of 8000 Chinese inhabitants of Batavia

1760 - 7 Year 's War : Russian and Austrian forces occupy Berlin [OS= Sep 28 ].

1771 - The Dutch merchant ship Vrouw Maria sinksnear the coast of Finland .

1776 - Mission Dolores founded by SF Bay

1794 - French troops occupy Hertogenbosch

1804 - Hobart Tasmania founded

1806 - Prussia declares war on France.

1817 - University of Gent officially opens

1818 - Congress of Aken returns to France from

1820 - Guayaquil, Ecuador declares its freedom from Ecuador

1824 - Slavery is abolished in Costa Rica.

1831 - Ioannis Kapodistrias , Ist Head of State of
modern Greece, assassinated in Nafplion.

1835 - The Royal College, Colombo established with the name Hillstreet Academy in Sri Lanka.

1870 - Rome is incorporated into Italy by royal

1874 - World Postal Union forms in Bern Switzerland

1899 - 1 st British troops reaches Durban , South

1899 - South Africa President Kruger routes British authorities ultimatum

1930 - 1 st transcontinental flight by a woman
completed, Laura Ingalls

1941 - A coup in Panama declares Ricardo Adolfo de la Guardia Arango the new president.

1942 - Statute of Westminster 1931 formalises
Australian autonomy.

1953 - British Prime Minister Winston Churchill
aproves Guyanese Constitution

1953 - Conrad Adenauer elected West German

1961 - Tanganyika(Tanzania) becomes independent within
British Commonwealth

1962 - Uganda becomes independent from the
United Kingdom

1970 - Khmer Republic ( Cambodia) declares

1975 - Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov wins Nobel Peace Prize

1980 - Nobel prize for literature awarded to Czeslaw Milosz

1981 - Abolition of capital punishment in France.

1984 - Kathy Sullivan becomes 1st US woman to walk in space

2012 - Serge Haroche and David Wineland win the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physics for work on quantum optics


1852 - Hermann Emil Fischer , Euskirchen, Rhine Province, chemist , Nobel Prize laureate, (d . 1919)

1892 - Ivo Andric, Yugoslavia, novelist (Bridge on Drina, Nobel Prize for Literature 1961)

1899 - Bruce Catton , US , historian /writer ( Civil War )

1906 - Léopold Sédar Senghor, Senegalese poet and politician ( d . 2001 )

1950 - Jody Williams, American teacher and aid
worker, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize

1966 - David Cameron , British politician, PM


1831 - Ioannis Kapodistrias , President (1829 - 31) and founding father of modern Greece .

1873 - George Ormerod, English historian and
antiquarian (b . 1785 )

1934 - King Alexander , of Yugoslavia, killed by
Georgief (Croatian terrorist )

1943 - Pieter Zeeman , naturalist (Nobel 1902) , dies

1943 - Pieter Zeeman , naturalist (Nobel 1902) , dies

1967 - Ernesto "Che " Guevara, Argentine Marxist revolutionary and physician, executed in Bolivia at 39

1985 - Emílio Garrastazu Médici , president of Brazil
(b . 1905 )

1995 - Kukrit Pramoj, PM of Thailand (1975 -76) , dies at 84

1995 - Lord Home of Hirsel , cricket ( Middlesex player later British PM) , dies

1995 - Alec Douglas-Home , PM of Britain (1963 -64) ,dies

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur lesson? Israel's survival (UC Browser)
Yom Kippur lesson? Israel's survival (UC Browser)
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Argentine president 'doing well' after op (UC Browser)
U.K. Rejects Press's Regulation Plan (UC Browser)
Trio Wins Nobel Prize for Medicine (UC Browser)
IMF Cuts Global Growth Outlook (UC Browser)

This day in #History

This day in #History
October 8th

314 - Battle at Cibalae : emperor Constantine beats emperor Licinius

451 - Council of Chalcedon (4 th ecumenical council ) opens

876 - Battle at Andernach : Louis the Young beats Charles the Bare

1075 - Dmitar Zvonimir is crowned king of Croatia .

1085 - San Marcos minstery in Venice initiated

1480 - Great standing on the Ugra river, a standoff between the forces of Akhmat Khan, Khan of the Great Horde , and the Grand Duke Ivan III of Russia, which resulted in the retreat of the Tataro - Mongols and eventual disintegration of the Horde .

1492 - Columbus' fleet about 400 sea miles from Puerto Rico

1600 - San Marino adopts constitution

1604 - Supernova "Kepler' s nova" 1st sighted

1625 - Admiral George Villiers ' fleet sails from
Plymouth to Cadiz

1633 - Massachusetts Bay Colony forms its 1 st

1690 - Turkish troops occupy Belgrade

1712 - French hijacker Jacques Cassard seen on
Suriname coast

1740 - Chinese assault on Diestpoort Batavia

1769 - Captain James Cook is the first European to land in New Zealand (Poverty bay)

1775 - Officers decide to bar slaves & free blacks from Continental Army

1806 - British forces lay siege to French port of
Boulogne using Congreve rockets, invented by Sir William Congreve

1813 - Treaty of Ried between Bayern & Austria

1815 - Joachim Murats forces lands at Pizzo Italy

1818 - 2 English boxers are 1st to use padded

1821 - The government of General
José de San Martín establishes the Peruvian Navy .

1822 - 1 st eruption of Galunggung ( Java) sends boiling sludge into valley

1835 - Charles Darwin reaches James Island,
Galapagos archipelago , on HMS Beagle

1840 - 1 st Hawaiian constitution proclaimed

1856 - The Second Opium War or 2nd Anglo -
Chinese War : begins with the Arrow Incident on the Pearl River .

1860 - Telegraph line between LA & SF opens

1862 - Battle of Perryville, KY- Confederate invasion halted

1862 - Otto von Bismarck becomes chancellor of the German Empire

1879 - War of the Pacific: the Chilean Navy defeats the Peruvian Navy in the Battle of Angamos , Peruvian Admiral Miguel Grau is killed in the encounter .

1912 - Montenegro declares war on Turkey,
beginning 1 st Balkan War

1917 - Trotski named chairman of Petrograd Soviet

1933 - Martinez Barrios forms new Spanish

1821 - The government of General José de San Martín establishes the Peruvian Navy .

1932 - The Indian Air Force is established

1962 - Algeria admitted as 109 th member of UN

1963 - Sultan of Zanzibar cedes his mainland
possessions to Kenya

1970 - Soviet author Alexander I Solzhenitsyn wins Nobel Prize for Literature

1973 - Spyris Markezinis forms government in Greece

2012 - Hugo Chávez is re - elected as president of Venezuela for a fourth term

2012 - Mustafa A. G . Abushagur , the first elected Libyan Prime Minister , is voted out of office by the Libyan parliament

2012 - John B . Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka win the 2012 Nobel Prize for Medicine for their work on reprogramming end stage cells to become pluripotent


705 - Abd al -Malik , kalief of Damascus, dies

976 - Jelena of Zadar , Croatian queen

1286 - John I of Dreux , Duke of Brittany (b . 1217)

1317 - Fushimi , Emperor of Japan (b . 1265)

1945 - Herman T Colenbrander , historian, dies at 73

1869 - Franklin Peirce, 14th president (1853  -1857 ), dies in Concord NH at 64

This day in #History

This day in #History
October 8th

314 - Battle at Cibalae : emperor Constantine beats emperor Licinius

451 - Council of Chalcedon (4 th ecumenical council ) opens

876 - Battle at Andernach : Louis the Young beats Charles the Bare

1075 - Dmitar Zvonimir is crowned king of Croatia .

1085 - San Marcos minstery in Venice initiated

1480 - Great standing on the Ugra river, a standoff between the forces of Akhmat Khan, Khan of the Great Horde , and the Grand Duke Ivan III of Russia, which resulted in the retreat of the Tataro - Mongols and eventual disintegration of the Horde .

1492 - Columbus' fleet about 400 sea miles from Puerto Rico

1600 - San Marino adopts constitution

1604 - Supernova "Kepler' s nova" 1st sighted

1625 - Admiral George Villiers ' fleet sails from
Plymouth to Cadiz

1633 - Massachusetts Bay Colony forms its 1 st

1690 - Turkish troops occupy Belgrade

1712 - French hijacker Jacques Cassard seen on
Suriname coast

1740 - Chinese assault on Diestpoort Batavia

1769 - Captain James Cook is the first European to land in New Zealand (Poverty bay)

1775 - Officers decide to bar slaves & free blacks from Continental Army

1806 - British forces lay siege to French port of
Boulogne using Congreve rockets, invented by Sir William Congreve

1813 - Treaty of Ried between Bayern & Austria

1815 - Joachim Murats forces lands at Pizzo Italy

1818 - 2 English boxers are 1st to use padded

1821 - The government of General
José de San Martín establishes the Peruvian Navy .

1822 - 1 st eruption of Galunggung ( Java) sends boiling sludge into valley

1835 - Charles Darwin reaches James Island,
Galapagos archipelago , on HMS Beagle

1840 - 1 st Hawaiian constitution proclaimed

1856 - The Second Opium War or 2nd Anglo -
Chinese War : begins with the Arrow Incident on the Pearl River .

1860 - Telegraph line between LA & SF opens

1862 - Battle of Perryville, KY- Confederate invasion halted

1862 - Otto von Bismarck becomes chancellor of the German Empire

1879 - War of the Pacific: the Chilean Navy defeats the Peruvian Navy in the Battle of Angamos , Peruvian Admiral Miguel Grau is killed in the encounter .

1912 - Montenegro declares war on Turkey,
beginning 1 st Balkan War

1917 - Trotski named chairman of Petrograd Soviet

1933 - Martinez Barrios forms new Spanish

1821 - The government of General José de San Martín establishes the Peruvian Navy .

1932 - The Indian Air Force is established

1962 - Algeria admitted as 109 th member of UN

1963 - Sultan of Zanzibar cedes his mainland
possessions to Kenya

1970 - Soviet author Alexander I Solzhenitsyn wins Nobel Prize for Literature

1973 - Spyris Markezinis forms government in Greece

2012 - Hugo Chávez is re - elected as president of Venezuela for a fourth term

2012 - Mustafa A. G . Abushagur , the first elected Libyan Prime Minister , is voted out of office by the Libyan parliament

2012 - John B . Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka win the 2012 Nobel Prize for Medicine for their work on reprogramming end stage cells to become pluripotent


705 - Abd al -Malik , kalief of Damascus, dies

976 - Jelena of Zadar , Croatian queen

1286 - John I of Dreux , Duke of Brittany (b . 1217)

1317 - Fushimi , Emperor of Japan (b . 1265)

1945 - Herman T Colenbrander , historian, dies at 73

1869 - Franklin Peirce, 14th president (1853  -1857 ), dies in Concord NH at 64

Sunday, 6 October 2013

This day in #History

This day in #History
October 6th

1499 - French king Louis XII occupies Milan

1567 - Duke of Alva becomes land guardian of

1683 - 13 Mennonite families from Germany found
Germantown Pa (Phila )

1689 - Pietro Ottoboni replaces Pope Innocent XI as
Alexander VIII

1762 - English troops occupy Manila Philippines

1781 - Americans & French begin siege of Cornwallis
at Yorktown ; last battle of Revolutionary War

1783 - Benjamin Hanks patents self -winding clock

1789 - French Revolution: Louis XVI returns to Paris
from Versailles after being confronted by the Parisian
women on 5 October

1799 - Battle at Castricum: French & Bataafs army
beats English/ Russian army

1811 - French emperor Napoleon visits Utrecht

1849 - The execution of the 13 Martyrs of Arad after
the Hungarian war of independence .

1861 - Revolt of Russian student shuts down
university of Petersburg

1863 - Battle at Baxter Springs Kansas

1863 - Dr Charles H Sheppard opens 1 st public bath,
in Brooklyn

900 - Britain annexes Orange Free State ( as Orange
River Colony )

1903 - The High Court of Australia sits for the first

1906 - The Majlis of Iran convened for the first time.

1908 - Austria annexes Bosnia & Herzegovina

1919 - Stambuliski becomes premier of Bulgaria

1922 - Schwebla replaces Benes government in

1922 - The great powers of the first world war
withdraw from Istanbul

1923 - 2 nd government of Stresemann in Germany

1928 - Generalissimo Chiang Kai - shek becomes
president of China

1939 - Adolf Hitler denies he intends to go to war
against France & Britain

1939 - Hitler announces plans to regulate Jewish

1939 - Last Polish army is defeated in World War

1949 - Pres Harry Truman signs Mutual Defense Assistance Act (for NATO)

1951 - Stalin proclaims Russia has atom bomb

1956 - Dr Albert Sabin discovers oral polio vaccine

1973 - Yom Kippur War begins as Syria & Egypt
attack Israel

1976 - John Hathaway completes 50,600 mile
bicycle tour of every continent

1976 - Pres Ford says there is "no Soviet domination
in Eastern Europe"

1978 - Iraq declares Ayatollah Khomeini an
undesirable person

1979 - Pope John Paul II is 1st Pope to visit White House

1980 - Guyana adopts constitution

1987 - Milt coup leader Maj- Gen Sitiveni Rabuka
declares Fiji a republic

1994 - - 9] European Campaign against Racism
confers in Austria

1994 - Ben Mokoena becomes 1 st black mayor of
Middelburg South Africa

2000 - Yugoslav president Slobodan Milošević


1888 - Li Ta-chao , co -founder with Mao Tse -tung
(Chinese Communist Party )

1903 - Ernest Walton, Irish physicist, Nobel Prize
laureate (d . 1995)

1930 - Hafez al Assad, president ( Syria)

1940 - Boris Dmitriyevich Andreyev , Russia,


404 - Eudoxia Aelia, empress of Austria, dies

877 - Charles II the Bald, King of France / Holy
Roman emperor (875 - 77), dies at 54

1014 - Samuel ( Samuil), ruler of Bulgaria, dies (b .
958 )

1072 - Sancho II , king of Castile (1065 -72 ),

1101 - Bruno of Cologne, German founder of the
Carthusian order

1214 - Alfonso VIII de Edele , king of Castile, dies

1413 - Dawit I , Emperor of Ethiopia ( b. 1382 )

1644 - Elisabeth ( In Spanish Isabel ) of Bourbon, wife
of Philip IV of Spain (b . 1602)

1651 - Heinrich Albert , German composer ( Arien oder
Melodien), dies at 47

1661 - Guru Har Rai , seventh Sikh Guru

1688 - Christopher Monck , 2 nd Duke of Albemarle ,
English statesman (b . 1652)

1819 - Charles Emanuel II , King of Sardinia
(1796 -1802 )/ Jesuit, dies

1892 - Alfred Lord Tennyson, writer and British Poet Laureate , dies at 83

1951 - Otto Fritz Meyerhof , German - born physician
and biochemist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine ( b. 1884 )

2012 - Chadli Bendjedid , Algerian president, dies
from cancer at 83

Saturday, 5 October 2013

This day in #History

This day in #History
October 5th

610 - Heraclius' fleet takes Constantinople

869 - 4th Council of Constantinople (8 th ecumenical
council) opens

1143 - The king Alfonso VII of Leon recognises
Portugal as a Kingdom.

1450 - Jews are expelled from Lower Bavaria by
order of Ludwig IX

1465 - French King Louis XI signs peace with
Charles the Stout

1511 - Eedgenootschap signs anti -French Saint

1582 - Gregorian calendar introduced in Italy, other
Catholic countries

1632 - Henry Casimir I appointed viceroy of

1665 - The University of Kiel is founded.

1693 - Haarlem people's revolution due to food

1789 - French Revolution: Women of Paris march to
Versailles in the March on Versailles to confront
Louis XVI about his refusal to promulgate the
decrees on the abolition of feudalism , demand bread ,
and have the King and his court moved to Paris .

1793 - French Revolution: Christianity is
disestablished in France .

1796 - Spain declares war on England

1813 - Battle of Thames in Canada ; Americans
defeat British

1833 - Charles Darwin moves with Parana to Santa
Fe Bajada Argentina

1857 - The City of Anaheim was founded.

1862 - Battle of Big Hatchie River, MS

1862 - Federal fleet occupies Galveston , Texas

1867 - Last day of Julian calendar in Alaska

1903 - Sir Samuel Griffith is appointed the first Chief
Justice of Australia and Sir Edmund Barton and
Richard O 'Connor are appointed as foundation

1905 - Orville/ Wilbur Wright' s "Flyer III " flight 38. 5
km in 38.3 "

1908 - Bulgaria declares independence from Turkey,
Ferdinand I becomes Tsar

1910 - Portugal overthrows monarchy , proclaims

1911 - Italian troops occupy Tripoli

1914 - World War I first aerial combat resulting in a

1915 - Bulgaria enters World War I as one of the
Central Powers .

1916 - Soldier Adolf Hitler is injured

1921 - Present constitution of Liechtenstein comes
into effect

1947 - 1 st Presidential address televised from White
House- Harry Truman

1952 - 19 th congress of Communist Party meets in

1960 - British Labour party demands unilateral
nuclear disarmament

1961 - China & Nepal sign treaty

1978 - Isaac Bashevis Singer wins Nobel Prize for
1978 - Sweden 's Fälldin government falls

1978 - Over 30 major nations ratify the
Environmental Modification Convention which
prohibits environmental modification techniques

1980 - Formal opening of meditation hall of Zenshin
Temple in Riverdale Bronx

1982 - Hernan Siles Zuazo appointed president of

1983 - Lech Walesa wins Nobel Peace Prize

1988 - Brazil adopts its Constitution

1988 - Chilean population agrees at referendum
against Pinochet regime

1988 - Israel bans Meir Kahane ' s Kach Party on
grounds of racism

2000 - Mass demonstrations in Belgrade lead to
resignation of Serbian strongman Slobodan
Milošević. These demonstrations are often called the
Bulldozer Revolution.

2001 - Robert Stevens becomes the first victim in the
2001 anthrax attacks.

2001 - Tom Ridge resigns as Governor of
Pennsylvania to become President Bush 's Homeland
Security Advisor .


1609 - Paul Fleming , writer

829 - Chester A . Arthur, Fairfield Vt, ( Republican)
21st American President ( 1881- 85)

1836 - George Washington Gordon , Brig Gen
(Confederate Army ), died in 1911

1840 - John Addington Symonds, Brit historian/
writer (Probs in Greek Ethics)

1844 - Francis William Reitz , State President of the
Orange Free State (d . 1934 )

1941 - Eduardo Duhalde, President of Argentina


578 - Justinus II , Byzantine emperor (565 - 78) , dies

1056 - Henry III , Holy Roman Emperor (b . 1017 )

1111 - Robrecht II of Jerusalem, Count of Flanders
(1 st Crusader) , dies

1112 - Sigebert of Gembloux , French chronicler
1285 - King Philip III of France ( b. 1245 )

1399 - Raymundus of Capua, Italian general , dies

1496 - Ferdinand II, king of Naples , dies

1990 - Meir Kahane , founder of Jewish defense
league, assassinated at 58

1976 - Lars Onsager, Norwegian chemist , Nobel
laureate (b . 1903)

2004 - Maurice Wilkins, New Zealand-born physicist,
Nobel laureate (b . 1916)

2004 - William H . Dobelle, American biomedical
engineer, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
nominee (b . 1941)

2007 - Justin Tuveri, Italian veteran of the First World
War (b . 1898)

1996 - Seymour Cray, computer designer, dies in
auto accident at 71

2010 - Mary Leona Gage , American beauty pageant
winner and actress ( b. 1939 )

2011 -  Steve Jobs,American Businessman, co-founder and CEO of Apple, dies from respiratory arrest at 56

2011 - Fred Shuttlesworth , American civil rights
activist ( b . 1922 )

2011 - Derrick Bell , American legal scholar and civil
rights advocate (b . 1930 )

2012 - Keith H .S . Campbell, British biologist , dies at

Thursday, 3 October 2013

This day in #History

This day in #History
October 4th

1209 - Pope Innocent II crowns German king Otto of

1227 - Assassination of Caliph al - Adil .

1363 - End of the Battle of Lake Poyang ; the
Chinese rebel forces of Zhu Yuanzhang defeat that
of his rival, Chen Youliang , in one of the largest
naval battles in history.

1675 - Christian Huygens patents pocket watch

1693 - Battle of Marsaglia : Piedmontese troops are
defeated by the French.
1777 -
Battle of
Germantown: Gen George Washington 's troops
attack and are defeated by the British at
Germantown, Pennsylvania

1779 - The Fort Wilson Riot takes place.

1824 - Mexico becomes a republic

1830 - Provisional government declares secession of
Belgium from Netherlands

1864 - National black convention meets (Syracuse

1864 - New Orleans Tribune , 1 st black daily
newspaper, forms

1873 - Toronto Argonaut Football Club forms

1880 - University of California founded in Los

1881 - Edward Leveaux patents automatic player

1883 - Orient Express' 1 st run , linking Turkey to
Europe by rail

1883 - First meeting of the Boys ' Brigade in
Glasgow, Scotland .

1895 - Horace Rawlins wins 1 st US Open golf
tournament (Newport RI)

1910 - Portugal becomes a republic , King Manuel II
flees to England

1910 - Adoption of the Flag of Bermuda .

1921 -
League of
Nations refuses to assist starving Russians

1922 - Protocol of Genevia signed : Austria gains

1931 - Juan Esteban Montero becomes president of

1932 - Anti- semite Julius Gombos forms new
government in Hungary

1949 - United Nations ' permanent NYC headquarters
is dedicated

1958 - Fifth Republic of France is established.

1963 - Gambia achieves full internal self -

1966 - Lesotho (Basutoland ) gains independence
from Britain (National Day )

1967 - Omar Ali Saifuddin III of Brunei abdicates in
favour of his son , His Majesty Sultan Hassanal

1969 - UN starts issuing postage stamps at Geneva

1992 - The Rome General Peace Accords ends a 16
year civil war in Mozambique

2012 - Jordan ’s King Abdullah dissolves parliament
in preparation for new elections


1938 - Kurt Wüthrich, Swiss chemist , Nobel laureate

2005 - Prince Emmanuel of Belgium


1052 - Vladimir of Novgorod ( b. 1020)

1072 - Sancho II , king of Castile /bro of Alfonso VI,
murdered at about 35

1221 - William III Talvas , Count of Ponthieu (b .

1250 - Herman VI, Margrave of Baden

1305 - Emperor Kameyama of Japan ( b. 1249 )

1540 - Helius Eobanus Hessus , German humanist/
poet (Silvae ) , dies

1597 - Sarsa Dengel , Emperor of Ethiopia ( b . 1550 )

1862 - William Duncan Smith , US Confederate brig -
general, dies at 36

1910 - Sergey Muromtsev, Russian lawyer and
politician, and President of the First Imperial Duma
(b . 1850 )

1972 - Louis S B Leakey , archaeologist /
anthropologist, dies at 68

1974 - Anne Sexton , US poetess (Pulitzer 1967 ), dies
at 45

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

This day in #History

This day in #History
October 3rd

2333 BC - The state of Gojoseon ( Modern -day
Korea ) founded by Dangun Wanggeom during the
reign of the Chinese Emperor Yao.
52 BC - Vercingetorix, leader of the Gauls , surrenders to the Romans under Julius Caesar , ending the siege and
battle of Alesia.

42 BC - First Battle of Philippi : Triumvirs Mark
Antony and Octavian fight an indecisive battle with
Caesar's assassins Brutus and Cassius .

1143 - Cardinal Guido elected Pope Coelestinus II

1247 - Willem II of Holland elected Roman Catholic
German emperor

1283 - Dafydd ap Gruffydd, prince of Gwynedd in
Wales , becomes the first person executed by being
hanged, drawn and quartered.

1430 - Jews are expelled from Eger Bohemia
1735 - France & Emperor Karel VI sign peace accord
1739 - The
Treaty of
Nissa is signed by the Ottoman Empire and Russia at
the end of the Russian-Turkish War , 1736- 1739 .
1778 - Capt Cook anchors at Alaska
1789 - Washington proclaims 1st national
Thanksgiving Day on Nov 26
1835 - Staedtler Company was founded by J .S .
Staedtler in Nuremburg, Germany.

1849 - American author Edgar Allan Poe is found
delirious in a gutter in Baltimore , Maryland under
mysterious circumstances; it is the last time he is
seen in public before his death .

1862 - - 10] Battle of Corinth , Mississippi

1862 - Skirmish at Bardstown, Kentucky

1863 - Lincoln designates last Thursday in
November as Thanksgiving Day
1873 - Captain Jack and companions are hanged
for their part in the Modoc War .

1890 - Capt Guillaume of Kerckhoven marches into
Boma Congo

1899 - J S Thurman patents motor - driven vacuum

1904 - France & Spain sign treaty for Morocco

1906 - SOS adopted as warning signal by 1st
conference on wireless telegraphy

1906 - US regime names Charles Magoon, governor
of Cuba

1918 - Boris becomes king of Bulgaria

1918 - Czar Ferdinand I of Bulgaria does distance of

923 - Germany 's Stresemann resigns

1924 - King Hussein of Hedzjaz abdicts throne

1926 - 1 st congress of Paneuropabeweging opens in

1926 - Violet Percy runs female record marathon
(3 :40: 22)

1929 - British Labour government recovers
diplomatic relations with USSR

1929 - Julius Curtius succeeds Stresemann as
German foreign minister

1929 - Kingdom of Serbs , Croats & Slovenes changes
name to Yugoslavia

1932 - Iraq gains full independence from Britain ,
joins League of Nations

1933 - Gustave "Staf" de Clerq forms Flemish
National Covenant1929 - British Labour government recovers
diplomatic relations with USSR

1929 - Julius Curtius succeeds Stresemann as
German foreign minister

1929 - Kingdom of Serbs , Croats & Slovenes changes
name to Yugoslavia

1932 - Iraq gains full independence from Britain ,
joins League of Nations

1933 - Gustave "Staf" de Clerq forms Flemish
National Covenant
1935 - Italy invades Ethiopia

1935 - Italy invades Ethiopia

1922 - 1 st facsimile photo send over city telephone
lines, Washington , DC

1941 - Adolf
Hitler says
Russia is " broken" & would " never rise again

1960 - Janio Quadros elected president of Brazil

1967 - King Boudouin inaugurates world 's biggest
floodgate (Antwerp)

1994 - Fernando Henrique Cardoso elected president
of Brazil


1605 - Li Tzu- ch'eng , Chinese revolutionary ,
dethroned last Ming emperor

1804 - Townsend Harris , 1 st Western consul to
reside in Japan
1844 - Patrick Manson, "Father of tropical medicine"

1854 - William Crawford Gorgas , US , Surgeon- Gen ,
help cure yellow fever

1869 - Alfred Flatow, German Olympic champion
gymnast ( d. 1942)

1894 - Walter Warlimont, German General WWII ( d.

1904 - Charles Pedersen , UK , biochemist ( Nobel

1957 - Tim Westwood , Pimp My Ride UK presenter


695 - "Black Ewald" , helper of Willibrord, murdered

695 - "White Ewald" , helper of Willibrord, murdered

1226 - Saint Francis of Assisi (b . 1181 )

1283 - Dafydd ap Gruffyd, last monarch of
Gwynnedd (North - Wales ), dies

1653 - Mark Zuesius Boxhorn, historian, dies at 41

1795 - Tula, leader Curacaose slave uprising,

1867 - Elias Howe , American sewing machine
pioneer (b . 1819 )

1890 - Joseph Hergenröther , German historian (b .

1929 - Gustav Stresemann , German chancellor
(Nobel 1926 ), dies at 51

1996 - Denis Frank Owen, Natural historian, dies at

1996 - Tom ap Rees , botanist, dies at 65

1996 - Tony Parker, oral historian, dies at 73

1997 - Alfred Leslie Rowse, historian, dies at 93

2009 - Queen Fatima, former Libyan queen ( b. 1918)